Friday, August 15, 2008


Arizona is a dangerous place:

Some people don't prepare for contingencies. I saw an entire unfortunate but ultimately stupid family of snowmen melted straight to death while standing in line at an ATM outside a Circle K.

Should I fear the heat?. No. As I have told many of you I fear nothing but sharks and tornadoes and/or the combination of the two.

Seeing the Mummy Returns and the Scorpion King on cable yesterday, however, reminded me that although I am not afraid of mummies I am almost completely averted to Chuck Russell movies.

Did any of you see the newest episode of Psych? There were a bunch of really terrible 80's covers that were meant to sound like the real thing, but I know the real Patty B when I hear her. Love is a Battlefield.

Dave and Jordan should be pleased to know that within three days of arriving I was taken to the Arizona version of Beto's. I expect the Arizona version diarrhea shortly.


lynda said...

i'm glad you finally posted something. and beto's is just the utah version of fili's ;)

T.Douglas Robbins Esq. said...

Poo poo in poo poo-er. Yum yum.

Ryan check out my sweet new ride:

PS: Pam and me-self have a new blog:


NDA said...

the ol' oopsy poopsies, eh?

At least you can see it comming these days...

lynda said...

maybe you should update with most recent twister/microburst dangers