Sunday, January 6, 2008

Burning of the Pantaloons

It seems only right that I enter the world of Blogdom. True, I've only been here for all of five and a half seconds and yet display a dizzying command of common internet disregard for grammar and syntax. And so I'll slap around slang that I presently don't and in all future cases won't ever give an explanation for. There in lies the beauty of literary creation: I do and say what I wish and how I wish to say it and to all those hidden torpedoes--damn you to the depths of the deep blue see.





Impetus: Apparently there isn't one overarching drive to provide another pile of witless thought to the ever growing heap of virtual flotsam that is Blog. I admit I lack any socially supernal emotion that encourages me to do this. Sadly my most fervent of hopes is that by increasing the amount of utterances I may produce something entertaining to my self at the very least. I suffer from the regrettably common condition of being overtly impressed with my own genius. If by some twist of fortune you too are bemused by what appears on these pages then you may just be as awesome as I am.


T.Douglas Robbins Esq. said...

Damn me on the Sabbath? Ok...

T.Douglas Robbins Esq. said...

I am impressed by your impetus and genius. You should put it in a booktown. Rum.